Pump Down Overfill Protection (PD) System

Maintain Liquid Level, Fill and Prevent Overfill

OrgPal Telemetry Pump Down (PD) Overfill Prevention System is a simple to use and configure solution to manage 1-4 tank liquid level fill, maintain and overfill prevention.

The system is ideal for both permanent and mobile tank scenarios, short- and long-term projects for the application of water chemical treatment or generalized filling, maintain, specific level, and prevent overfill.

The PD system can be customized to meet your needs. A typical PD system supports 1-4 tanks and can control 1-4 independent pumps. It runs off external power supply plus battery and charger support. Configuration of the system can be updated in the field as needed, as well as pre-loading of desired configuration using simple USB and flash drive to load any place any time.  A typical four tank and pump scenario example below.

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